Thursday, March 31, 2011

Featured Product: Kissaluvs Lotion Potion Spray

Naturally effective and wonderfully efficient, this diaper lotion spray makes diaper changes a breeze.

- All natural ingredients

- Ultra-convenient - no messy creams or ointments

- Conveniently sprays onto baby's bottom

- Soothes minor rashes and skin irritations

- Moisturizes baby's delicate skin

- Keeps your hands clean

- Brings a smile to baby's face while keeping their little bottom clean

- Rinses cleanly from baby's skin and cloth diapers

- Smells great, with a touch of lavender oil

- Comes in a convenient 4oz bottle

Just spray onto baby's bottom to soothe minor rashes and skin irritations, or to clean and refresh.
Ingredients: Witch hazel, jojoba oil infused with chamomile, lavender essential oil, tea tree essential oil


Not Your Grandma's Cloth Diaper!


As you can see....cloth diapering can be stylish as well as economical! 

Diaper Parties!

Hello! My name is Tara and I am a consultant for and Whether you are a new mom, already have a baby in diapers, or are expecting you will want to check out all the benefits that cloth diapering has to offer. Cloth diapering has changed so much in the past 10 years. The diapers, pins, and covers used years ago were some of the only options out there. Now there is a cloth diapering solution for almost any type of family out there! Whether you are looking for the least expensive, easiest, the hippest, the most practical, or the quick on the go solution, you have options. But, most moms(like myself) don’t figure out a system that works best for you until you spend your cloth diaper budget on 5 different systems. So what’s the best way to start deciding what cloth diaper is right for you? Take a look at them, feel them, get to actually see what they are before you purchase them.
That is where I come in. A cloth diaper party is an opportunity for a group of moms(and moms to be) to come together to try out these diapers. Grab some dolls and try these diapers out! Practice putting them on. We give you some of our customers’ recommendations on what covers work well with what diapers. Each diaper and accessory comes with its own “cheat sheet” so you can read about the product and how to use it, while seeing, touching, and trying it! Pass the diapers around! Talk about them and share your ideas in a group.
So if you are interested in learning more about cloth diapering please send me an email at!

The benefits of cloth:

Saves 2 TONS of waste in landfills PER CHILD created with disposable diapers!
Saves up to $2000 PER CHILD using cloth!
Keeps soft cloth next to those sweet baby bottoms, rather than chemical filled gels in disposables.