Friday, May 6, 2011

New blog!

Hey Everyone!

I exported my blog to its new address!

So please head over and follow my new blog!!!!


  • Dioxins are a group of chemically-related compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants.
  • Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.
  • Due to the omnipresence of dioxins, all people have background exposure, which is not expected to affect human health. However, due to the highly toxic potential of this class of compounds, efforts need to be undertaken to reduce current background exposure.
  • Prevention or reduction of human exposure is best done via source-directed measures, i.e. strict control of industrial processes to reduce formation of dioxins as much as possible.
Dioxins are environmental pollutants. They have the dubious distinction of belonging to the “dirty dozen” - a group of dangerous chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants. Dioxins are of concern because of their highly toxic potential. Experiments have shown they affect a number of organs and systems. Once dioxins have entered the body, they endure a long time because of their chemical stability and their ability to be absorbed by fat tissue, where they are then stored in the body. Their half-life in the body is estimated to be seven to eleven years.

Dioxins are unwanted by products of a wide range of manufacturing processes including smelting, chlorine bleaching of paper pulp and the manufacturing of some herbicides and pesticides. Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions, such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin, and altered liver function. Long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions. Chronic exposure of animals to dioxins has resulted in several types of cancer.

The developing fetus is most sensitive to dioxin exposure. The newborn, with rapidly developing organ systems, may also be more vulnerable to certain effects.

Is this something we want on our babies bottoms? I know I don't!

**info found on WHO website 

Common Chemicals in Diapers

I was going to take the list of chemicals that are in Pampers disposable diapers and research them. However, since Pampers does not want to give that information, I will use the list of chemicals provided by LiveStrong instead. There list includes those chemicals that are commonly used in diapers. This does not mean they are used in every diaper, but are commonly used in disposable diapers.

Here is the list:
1) Dioxin
2) Tributyl-tin (TBT)
3) sodium polyacrylate
4) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
5) dyes, fragrances, plastics and petrolatums

Tomorrow I will start with Dioxin!

**Any disposable diaper company that does not use these chemicals feel free to email me a list of the ingredients that you do use-

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pampers response to cost analysis study.

I recently also wrote Pampers asking to see a copy of the cost analysis study that they did on cloth vs. disposables. In their FAQ page they quote a study saying this:

Are disposable diapers more expensive than cloth diapers?
Disposable diapers provide great value for consumers, and are not necessarily more expensive than using cloth diapers. A cost comparison shows Pampers diapers total expenditure for consumers range at the low end of the cheapest home-laundered cloth diapers, and cost roughly half the price of a cloth diaper wash service.

I simply asked for a link to or copy of the cost comparison study they are referring to. This is their response.

Hello Tara,

Thanks for contacting Pampers.

We appreciate your sharing your comments on the topic of cloth versus disposable diapers. We believe this choice is an individual decision – we merely wish to provide the information we have to date on the environmental impact of our products. We realize more information needs to be added, and we’re in the process of updating our website.

Thanks again for your feedback. I'll be sure to share it with the rest of the Pampers Team.

Pampers Team

Again, the impression is they are hiding something or the study is so off-base they are scared to show it.  If their study was legit they would be passing it out for free to everyone. I hate it that companies can get by spouting off any facts they choose without having to cough up any facts to back it up.

Pampers Response- What is in your diapers?

So I recently wrote Pampers asking them if they could give me a list of the ingredients in their diapers. This is the response I got:

Thanks for contacting Pampers.

We generally only provide ingredient information on our products if it is in relation to an allergy of some kind. If this is the case, we ask that you have your physician get in touch with us listing the ingredients you’re allergic to and the product you use that might contain them.

Please have your doctor send a written request on office letterhead to: P&G, P.O. Box 599, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201. Or, if you prefer, fax it to us at: 1-513-983-2881.

Thanks again for writing.

Pampers Team

So basically they aren't going to tell you! So this would lead one to believe maybe there are some things in there that one could conceive as "bad". This seems incredibly wrong to me. Food companies have to list all ingredients in their products, but diaper companies can fill their diapers with all types of chemicals and label them as (fragrance, dyes, preservatives, ect) and not have to disclose them. That is just wrong. Obviously if they had nothing to hide they would have simply provided me with a list of commonly used chemicals or ingredients.    

Monday, May 2, 2011


Check out my tumblr.

Pampers...bending the truth.

I was looking over the Pampers website just to see if they addressed the cloth vs. disposable issue. They do! Check out their FAQ page and see what they are telling consumers. 

Why this is bogus. The environmental impact study that they say showed no difference between cloth vs. disposables actually did cite a difference IN FAVOR OF CLOTH! Not to mention they left out some very important issues in the study. Check this out! 

I also like how they add in some "cost comparison" study (surely done by them) shows that Pampers are right on par with cloth costs! 

I know personally I have saved a bunch of money by switching to cloth! My water bill has increased by only about $6 a month since I started washing my diapers. I spent approx. $250 on diapers (for both my babies who are in diapers at the same time). I have already saved money and I have another at least half year for my son in diapers and another two years for my daughter! I would like to see the math from that cost comparison study!

Check Out this blog.

Their current blog schedule

MONDAYS, General discussion and informative articles.
TUESDAYS, Off-Topic discussions regarding our “other verbs.”
WEDNESDAYS, Any cloth diaper related giveaways or sponsored reviews will be found on Wednesdays!
THURSDAYS, More general discussion & informative articles will be posted here!
FRIDAYS, Free Love Fridays! In lieu of the fact that there are so many other incredible blogs on the Internet, we’d like to give some “free” props to these writers! We’ll post current happenings or other articles of interest from other places on the web here.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Did you know?

It takes 440-880 lbs. of fluff pulp and 286 lbs. of plastic (including packaging) per year to supply a single baby with disposable diapers.

Thirsties Montage

My little man playing around in his Thirsties Duo Wrap with his matching big green ball.  

Friday, April 29, 2011

Planet Wise Wet/Dry bag

How I got started in cloth.

My first daughter was put in disposable diapers from day one and stayed in them till she potty trained. I had no idea there was a whole other world of diapering out there. I knew nothing about cloth and had never seen anyone using a cloth diaper. So when my son was born we did what we knew….disposable diapers. However, when we found out we were going to be blessed with a third baby I knew something had to change. We had spent fortunes on disposable diapers only to throw them away. That is some expensive garbage! So I started researching ways to save money on infant needs. That is how I came across modern cloth diapering. It intrigued me, so I purchased a few to try on my son and instantly fell in love. It took some trial and error to find out which type of system and which brands worked best for us. But now I am happily and easily cloth diapering two.

I really wish there would have been someone to help me along the way when I first started off with cloth. It would have saved me lots of money and time. That is why I became a cloth diaper consultant. I wanted to be able to help spread the word about cloth!

The things I hear most often:

"Isn't it a pain to clean those??"- No, actually it is very easy. I just dump my wet bag in the machine and the washing machine does all the work.
"Don't you hate having to touch the poo?"- I don't touch poo on a regular basis. In fact, I touched more poo when my daughter was in disposables ( the dreaded up the back poo explosion) than I ever did on my other two.
"Why on Earth would you want to mess with all that when you can just use a disposable?"- There really isn't much to mess with. The only difference is instead of dumping my pail in the garbage I dump it in the washing machine. Plus I really do enjoy saving $2500 per child, keeping awful and harmful chemicals off my babies skin, and not having mounds of stinky garbage every week waiting outside for the garbage man.

There are systems to suit every need and every budget! They are super cute and stylish too (which doesn't hurt). So if you want to put some money back in your wallet, remove some trash from your garbage, and keep your baby's bottom happy, cloth is for you!

Her Heiny is Happy :)

Elliette is comfy in her Happy Heinys.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cloth Vs. Disposables

Another great article to read on the environmental aspect of disposables vs. cloth. I think this is a very unbiased article and makes good points for both sides. A good read.

Another reason to cloth diaper- as if you needed another :)

Pampers as well as some of their other household goods will be increasing. One reason I am really happy I cloth diaper my babies. And another good reason you should start if you haven't already! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

How It's Made! Disposable Diapers!

Please note all the plastics and polyblends used! And they say that it is debatable on whether cloth is actually more environmentally friendly than disposables!

YES! Cloth does require water to be cleaned. And you must wash them each time they are soiled. However, when producing disposable diapers look at all the energy consumption (aside from landfill waste!). Those machines must produce 2 tons of diapers for each baby! Not to mention all the individual pieces of the diapers are also produced somewhere. For example the plastic. And all the natural materials used are consumed (ie. pulp). This is just showing how the diaper is assembled. It doesn't show any of the bleaching of the materials or the production of the materials used to make the diapers. And what about the plastic bags the diapers come in?? Or the paper boxes?? 

Basically, we have energy consumption at every facet of the production not to mention chemical waste (bleaching of the cloth and plastics in particular).  

And I know....cloth diapers must be manufactured as well. (actually they don't if you get a handsewn diaper). Even when they are manufactured they are only manufactured ONCE! Not for each time a baby potties!  

So let's get real. There is no comparison! There is just no real study done to show the real face of disposable diapers. 

An Easter Morning Disposable Diaper Surprise!

Why I love cloth even more!

I had went to a nice family dinner on Saturday evening at my parents home. As we were leaving my mother's house late that night she handed me a disposable diaper to put on my 15 month old because she said she has a bunch left over and needs to get rid of them (both my sister and I are now cloth users). So I just took the diaper and put it on him thinking it would be ok for one night. WRONG! 

I woke up Easter morning to the joyful sounds of my son playing. What I didn't realize is what he was playing with! I get to his crib, look inside, and see white sticky fluffy looking stuff everywhere. At first I thought he threw up some type of noodle. (ick!) But at closer inspection I see his disposable diaper had been taken off. He had then proceeded to rip the lining of the diaper and take the "insides" out. So now I have a fluffy, wet, almost granulated type mess all over the bedding and in the floor outside the crib. 

Needless to say, my mom will have to keep her unusable disposables in the future :-)

At least if he takes off his wet cloth diaper to play with it in the morning all I have is one wet rag. Not a bunch of wet chemical fluff mixture!!!


Response to Associated Press Article

I felt like this article was slightly biased and left out a lot of important facts.

My personal favorite part of the article was when Pampers general manager was quoted saying ,"Empowerment of women was a big piece of what was behind that". "Offering conveniences, offering more options, was clearly part of the culture at that time." This comment was made to imply women who use disposable diapers are offered more convenience and more options than those women who use reusable cloth diapers. That is simply not the case anymore. I personally do not find rushing to the grocery store at midnight because my daughter got a stomach virus and went through a pack of disposable diapers convenient. I also do not find washing load after load of bedding and clothing because the disposable diaper leaked through the night convenient either. I also do not find spending roughly $2000-$4000 on diapers over the life of my child convenient on my pocketbook.

There was also a woman quoted in the article as saying she chose disposables because she travels a lot. Traveling does not hinder reusable diaper use at all! It is just as easy to throw a used cloth diaper in a wet bag as it is to throw a disposable in a trash can. There are also hybrid diapers available now that allow you to use cloth or biodegradable inserts interchangeably. The disposable insert is biodegradable and can be thrown in the garbage, is flushable, or can be composted. So you can use cloth at home and disposable inserts when traveling if desired.

The arguments that disposables and cloth are equal environmentally is not proven either way. The fact is the study done on water consumption for cloth diapers was done by disposable diaper companies; therefore, one can assume it may show a little bias. Ultimately disposable diapers produce 2 tons of waste in landfills. They do require water and energy to manufacture. Yes cloth diapers must be manufactured as well; HOWEVER, you only need to produce them once! A disposable diaper must be produced to the tune of 2 TONS!! for each child. This is consuming God knows how much energy. Also you are consuming all the raw goods used to make the disposable diaper (over and over and over again). Plus having to produce each item used to make the diaper (ie. plastics) which also consumes energy and WATER! If someone did an actually REAL study on the environmental effect of disposables it would definitely be far grimmer than what these companies are trying to portray. They did a water consumption survey on cloth, but not on the production aspect of disposables (hoping you would just forget they had to be manufactured). So there is more to disposables than simply landfill waste.

People do not necessarily take care of their disposable diapers either. By law, you should dump the poo from the diaper before disposing of it in the trash. It is illegal to put human waste in the garbage, yet this is almost never done with disposables. If the garbage is not disposed of correctly that human waste can contaminate the ground and leak to nearby water. And who hasn't seen that nasty five day old disposable diaper laying in the parking lot of Wal-Mart?? Gross!

Finally, an issue that seems to not really be addressed is the economic factor. Reusable diapers can save families thousands of dollars. Especially if they have more than one child. Reusable diapers can be used by multiple children and on average will save about $2000 per child for a family. This is not something to scoff at- especially considering today's economic state.

I just wish a little more information would have been provided in the article. It seemed a little one-sided (in favor of disposables) and I would just like to add another perspective. It is up to each family to educate themselves on cloth diapers and decide the best option for them.

--Tara West

Monday, April 18, 2011

Buying Used Cloth Diapers

Many people opt for used diapers when they first start cloth diapering; however, there are some things to take into consideration when dealing in the realm of "used".

Always ask for a photo of the diaper. (Preferably multiples from different angles and some close ups) Look for any piling, staining, or signs of excessive wear. Many people will list an item as "excellent" or "good" when you can tell just by looking at the photo the item has been very worn out.  Also ask lots of questions. For example, where they the first owner? Or did they buy it used? Is the elastic still holding well? Any defects I should know about?

Check the sellers reviews. If they have bad feedback I would look elsewhere. If a deal sounds too good to be true- It most likely is!

Is it sanitary? I would always treat a used diaper as if it has yeast growth when you first purchase it. Last thing you want is to put a used diaper on the baby to have them develop a yeast infection. Here are some steps to treat the diapers when they arrive before putting them on your baby.

Treat all cloth for yeast growth by doing the following:
  • cold wash with Tea Tree Oil (4 drops in a front loader or 6 drops in a top loader.) 
  • hot wash with an oxygen cleaner (only recommended when washing cloth to kill yeast) 
  • lay out in FULL sun or dry on High heat.
There are lots of great deals to be had on used diapers. In fact I have sold many of my used diapers and know that I treated them with great care. However, when purchasing used you do not know how the item was cared for in the possession of the other person. Did they wash them correctly? Have they been bleached? Is the elastic still intact enough to hold in liquid? Are the diapers stretched? This is where asking questions can come in handy.

There are lots of great used diaper deals out there......just be cautious. Sometimes it is better to spend $20 on a new diaper that you know has never been abused than waste $10 on one that you thought you were getting a steal on!

--Tara West

Check out Flip and Econobum for inexpensive new diapering options!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Featured Product- I Can't Be Bothered Bug Lotion

I Can't Be Bothered Bug Lotion

Just what you need for Bug Season!

This bug lotion repels the biting bugs such as mosquitoes, black flies and gnats!! Contains 7 different essential oils including catnip, lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender. It smells great too! Ingredients; Olive oil, grape seed oil, shea butter, vitamin E, beeswax and aloe vera gel and essential oils.
Comes in convenient 2oz. or 4oz. size containers.

Click HERE to shop now!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Featured Product: GroVia

What is the GroVia Diapering System?
GroVia is a modern, one-size diapering system. Its unique, waterproof shell and organic cotton soaker pad minimizes waste and cost. When the soaker pad is wet, simply replace with a fresh, dry one! Grovia also has a disposable insert option! The GroVia™ BioSoaker® is a perfect solution for cloth diapering on the go. Use when on vacation, at day care, or running errands. Use: Simply lay/spread your BioSoaker® in your GroVia™ Shell or favorite diaper cover and fasten on baby. Use sticky tabs to adhere to cotton underwear as trainers! When soiled simply toss them! (They are biodegradable).

How does GroVia work?
GroVia is designed so that the outer shells may be used for multiple diaper changes. If the soaker pad is wet, simply snap in a fresh one and you are ready to go. If the shell is wet, allow it to air dry and use for the next diaper change. When your GroVia Shell is soiled or very saturated, start fresh with a new GroVia Shell.

Most GroVia System users will find that using 2-4 GroVia Shells are enough per day, although newborn babies may need more.

How does the one-size feature on my GroVia work?
GroVia will fit MOST babies from 8-35 lbs. The GroVia Shell features three sets of rise snaps that adjust to fit your baby. Our unique one-size Organic Soaker Pad fits from 8-35 lbs as well.
Newborn/Small Infant Setting: Snap your GroVia Shell rise snaps on the lowest setting. Snap your soaker pad into the shell and simply flip the front of the soaker pad in towards baby. Fastened diaper on baby.
Infant Setting: Snap your GroVia Shell rise snaps on the middle setting. Snap your soaker pad into the shell. Tuck the front of your soaker pad down, while pulling the front panel up and fasten on baby.
Toddler Setting: Leave your GroVia Shell rise snaps unsnapped. Snap your soaker pad into the shell and fasten on baby.

Click below to shop now! All Grovia shells buy 3 get 1 free for April!

Shop cloth diapers & birth supplies at Everything Birth

Weekly Giveaway!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Brand of the Month- Thirsties

Click below to see more about our brand of the month. 

Host a party in the month of April and you could win a Thirsties Duo Wrap. 

Featured Product: Moby Wrap

Moby Wrap

Be comfortable
The design of the Moby Wrap uses your entire back, as well as your shoulders, to carry the weight of your baby. Unlike other carriers, which have narrow straps or go across one shoulder, the Moby Wrap is a wide piece of durable fabric that is wrapped over both shoulders. It is amazingly comfortable and easy to wear. There are no buckles, snaps or other fasteners (that may break or bend). It is easy to adjust the fit of your Moby Wrap by varying how tightly you wrap yourself and baby. Moby Wraps are one size which means all caregivers can easily and comfortably share.

Be secure
Moby Wrap comes with an easy to follow full-color instructional guide containing wrapping tips and safety information. With the single stretch cotton and the width of the Moby Wrap, your baby is wrapped close and tight, ensuring a secure hold. Your baby’s head can also be secured under the stretchy cotton fabric for added safety. You can finally have both hands free and know your baby is safe and secure.

Be uniquely close to your baby
There is not a lot of extra material or bulky padding between you and your baby. Your baby can hear your heartbeat and finds comfort in the warmth of your body within the cuddly confines
of the Moby Wrap.

Babies to 35 lbs.
The Moby Wrap is an optimal baby carrier for infants. Parents of newborns are often prescribed to practice "kangaroo care," skin-to-skin contact used to increase birth weight, which can be easily achieved while wearing your Moby Wrap. The Moby Wrap is long enough to adapt to your growing baby. The fabric can hold up to 35 lbs.

Soothes fussy babies
It is amazing how quickly a baby will settle down once wrapped in the Moby Wrap. Pediatric experts like Dr. Sears, stress the importance of holding your baby often and close. The Moby Wrap allows you to do this with ease. The style of the wrap ensures your baby is uniquely close, while providing ultimate comfort and support. Now your baby can be kept close and happy while enjoying the benefits of being carried. Carried babies cry significantly less, develop secure attachments to their caregivers, have improved sleep habits and lower levels of stress.

Machine washable
Prewashing before use is recommended. The Moby Wrap is easy to clean. Machine wash your Moby Wrap in cold water and tumble dry low. As with all cotton items, slight shrinkage is expected during the first wash and extra length is built into the design of the Moby Wrap to accommodate.

Click below to shop:
In the Baby Carrier Section 

BumGenius 4.0 buy 5 get 1 free!

Bumgenius 4.0. 
Buy 5 get 1 free! 
Shop by clicking below. 
Remember to say Tara send you in consultant info.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Buy 3 Get one Free for April!

Right now Everything Birth has buy three get one free on GroVia Shells or Grovia AIO! Be sure to tell them Tara West sent you! Just click below to shop now.

Chemicals in Disposable Diapers

I just read this disturbing article on
Chemicals in Disposable Diapers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Featured Product: Kissaluvs Lotion Potion Spray

Naturally effective and wonderfully efficient, this diaper lotion spray makes diaper changes a breeze.

- All natural ingredients

- Ultra-convenient - no messy creams or ointments

- Conveniently sprays onto baby's bottom

- Soothes minor rashes and skin irritations

- Moisturizes baby's delicate skin

- Keeps your hands clean

- Brings a smile to baby's face while keeping their little bottom clean

- Rinses cleanly from baby's skin and cloth diapers

- Smells great, with a touch of lavender oil

- Comes in a convenient 4oz bottle

Just spray onto baby's bottom to soothe minor rashes and skin irritations, or to clean and refresh.
Ingredients: Witch hazel, jojoba oil infused with chamomile, lavender essential oil, tea tree essential oil


Not Your Grandma's Cloth Diaper!


As you can see....cloth diapering can be stylish as well as economical! 

Diaper Parties!

Hello! My name is Tara and I am a consultant for and Whether you are a new mom, already have a baby in diapers, or are expecting you will want to check out all the benefits that cloth diapering has to offer. Cloth diapering has changed so much in the past 10 years. The diapers, pins, and covers used years ago were some of the only options out there. Now there is a cloth diapering solution for almost any type of family out there! Whether you are looking for the least expensive, easiest, the hippest, the most practical, or the quick on the go solution, you have options. But, most moms(like myself) don’t figure out a system that works best for you until you spend your cloth diaper budget on 5 different systems. So what’s the best way to start deciding what cloth diaper is right for you? Take a look at them, feel them, get to actually see what they are before you purchase them.
That is where I come in. A cloth diaper party is an opportunity for a group of moms(and moms to be) to come together to try out these diapers. Grab some dolls and try these diapers out! Practice putting them on. We give you some of our customers’ recommendations on what covers work well with what diapers. Each diaper and accessory comes with its own “cheat sheet” so you can read about the product and how to use it, while seeing, touching, and trying it! Pass the diapers around! Talk about them and share your ideas in a group.
So if you are interested in learning more about cloth diapering please send me an email at!

The benefits of cloth:

Saves 2 TONS of waste in landfills PER CHILD created with disposable diapers!
Saves up to $2000 PER CHILD using cloth!
Keeps soft cloth next to those sweet baby bottoms, rather than chemical filled gels in disposables.